Edited by Kenneth J. Varnum
160 pages
6 x 9
February 6, 2019
The current price of virtual reality headsets may seem out of economic reach for most libraries, but the potential of “assisted reality” tools goes well beyond merely inviting patrons to strap on a pair of goggles. Ranging from enhanced training to using third-party apps to enrich digital collections, there are a kaleidoscope of library uses for augmented, virtual, or mixed reality. In this collection, Varnum and his hand-picked team of contributors share exciting, surprising, and inspiring case studies from a mix of institution types, spotlighting such topics as
- collaborative virtual reality for improved library instruction, education, and learning and teaching;
- 3D modeling using virtual reality;
- virtual reality as collaboration space, from gaming to teleconferencing;
- balancing access with security, and other privacy issues;
- future possibilities for augmented reality in public libraries; and
- augmented reality for museums and special collection libraries.
A perfect introduction to the topic, this book will encourage libraries to look beyond their own reality and adapt the ideas inside.